Posted on Monday, December 19, 2011 · Leave a Comment
After this post, I will try not to blog about school or homework for the rest of the holidays. Because seriously, why would you want to hear about those things during your 6 week break?
I don't have much homework these holidays.... and it's quite a strange feeling. Last year, I remember stressing over all my modern and history extension stuff whilst everyone else was out in the world enjoying life and now the role has been reversed. Let's see, what do I have to do? I've got to do that 800 word thing for english extension, I have to read that booklet on As You Like It, read Wuthering Heights (ew) and find related texts for both extension and advanced. It's not that bad. The big hurdle will probably be getting a move on with the Extension 2 project but that's okay, I've got time.
I have to keep myself occupied though, otherwise I'll fall into another pit of anxiety. I've got my Sims, my books and... well that's about it. Doctor Who is starting again but that's hardly going to be a significant time filler. I should exercise but I don't know what type of exercise to do. Bike riding? Meh, maybe when Nancy gets her bike.
But I should stop griping. I would choose being bored over going to school any day. HOLIDAYS, COME AT ME BRO.