Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Today, I went shopping at Macarthur shopping centre. I came back with new clothes, new shoes and new..... Skyrim.
Yeah, I'm not even going to say don't judge me because I know that you're doing that right now. That's basically all my Christmas money down the drain. Seriously, that game is not cheap but well, I'm living these holidays like they're the last holidays I'm ever going to have in my entire life. If that means blowing all my money on one game that will keep me occupied for the whole holidays than so be it.
But I digress. Let me just describe my experience of buying Skyrim.
I did my research as soon as I got to the shopping centre. I literally walked into every single game shop at that place- JBhifi, EB games, Gametrader, even good ol' Target. Bloody hell you should've seen me. I was like a freaking homing pigeon. Anyway, the cheapest store was actually EB Games so I backtracked there with my sister and then spent 15 minutes dawdling there deciding whether to buy it or not. Did I mention that that game is so bloody expensive? :( I eventually picked up the game and paid for it. I felt a tiny bit guilty but I guess that's always normal when you've just spent an insane amount of money on something. As I walked out of the shop, the security guard checked my bag and then he smiled and said, "Great choice." I have never felt so nerdy in my life :)
In conclusion, I think I need more money in my life. Except for today, I rarely ever spend money on things I want. I don't usually go out buying games/movies/bags/clothes/whatnot for myself.... The money gets spent regardless of all this - usually its for friend's birthdays or something small like food during an outing or a train ticket. But it all adds up eventually and by the end of the year, I find that I'm as poor as Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happiness (most depressing movie of all time btw - don't watch it). I think I need a job.... except I'm the world's most laziest person and couldn't be bothered looking for one. Sigh. And tomorrow I'm blowing more cash as well since I'm going to the city with a few of my primary school friends and I have to, HAVE TO get City Hunter for my mum. LEE MIN HO, MY LOVE, WE SHALL BE REUNITED SOON!!