Posted on Saturday, November 5, 2011 · 3 Comments
It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and write a proper post on this blog. Recently, my posts have been more of OMG!DOCTOR WHO! or OMG!HUNGER GAMES! or OMG!4U MATHS SUCKS! or OMG!HSC STRESS! and less of "Hey, why don't we all just sit down and talk and just chill, like?" It's gotten to the point where I also can't be bothered using proper grammer and the like because really, it just wastes a lot of time and effort and prevents my enthusiasm from getting across. But today, I'll try to write normally and that means no more CAPSLOCK spamming, keysmashing, interruptive "lols" or pic spams. Okay? Okay. What I'm trying to say is that this is going to be a very chillaxed blog post so if you've got better stuff to do than by all means, feel free to move along to the next blog.
So.... my parents have been taking dance classes. A lot of you guys know that my mum does tap-dancing on Monday nights but this is different. This involves my dad and mum practicing in the living room every day and night, trying to nail the cha-cha and the samba. Traumatizing much? Yeah. I don't know who's bright idea it was. Probably my mum's though, seeing as she's like the "man" of the family. (I've even listed her as "The Man" in my phone's contact list). I can just imagine it - mum would've been like, "Hey let's go learn how to dance so we can show off at parties!" and that my dad would've said something like, "Errr, no thank you," and then my mum would've given him an evil glare and then my dad would've backed down and agreed. 'Cause that's how we roll in this family.
In fact, my dad did tell me that he was very reluctant to do the lessons but my mum, being the big bully that she is, went out and bought him some expensive "dancing shoes" which means that he can't even back down anymore. My mum. She's manipulative. I was going to go downstairs and take some pictures for you guys before but then I realized that I would have to get up from the bed, look for my camera, walk down the stairs........ and well, to be honest, I can't be bothered. Hehe.
Moving on, I spent the whole afternoon trying to start on my English Extension essay. I've got my intro down.... which means I've only got 1200 more words to go. How do you guys write essays? I don't think I've asked that before. It used to be that I could just put my pen to paper and write something and it would turn out inexplicably coherent but it doesn't work like that anymore. Now I actually have to research. Only after compiling a list of random copy-and-pasted facts can I start writing. And even then, it takes me forever to construct a sentence that makes sense. Is it supposed to be that hard? Why can't it just be as easy as blogging?
I went to the library on Friday night ('cause I'm cool like that) and borrowed a book by Kresley Cole from the Immortals After Dark Series called "Dreams of a Dark Warrior". Basically, it's a trashy romance novel. But I loved it so much that I devoured it in 1 day. I can't help it okay? It's not like I go into libraries with the intent of borrowing romance novels, they just somehow end up in my pile of Stuff. Don't judge me. At least I read stuff I enjoy. Who needs deep and meaningful stories? Certainly not me. Who needs thought-provoking, philosophical introspects into the human condition? No thank you - escapist fiction all the way, huzzah!
Oh right, I was supposed to talk about the book.
Well basically, she's a beautiful Valkyrie named Regin the Radiant ('cause like, her skin glows) and he's a berserker named Aiden. Okay I admit, that sounds cheesy already. Whatever. Anyway, Aiden gets killed in the Prologue and you might be thinking, "Hey what kind of story is this?" but its okay guys because he gets reborn again. And again. And again. Basically, Aiden reincarnates everytime he dies and Regin always manages to find him. The problem is, he's also cursed. His time with Regin is always cut short because once he remembers who he is, he dies. Hence you get the whole "Oooooohh, forbidden love + tragic consequences = sexual tension" trope. And like all typical paranormal romances, there's a whole lot of fighting, magic, violence and witty banter. It actually reminds me of Richelle Mead's novels ... just way more extreme in terms of ..... everything.
You know, once I become older, I am going to campaign for the increased recognition of Romance novels as a serious literary genre. It seems like they're always under-appreciated and dismissed as pedestrian in style. As I said before, who cares if something isn't really that thought provoking? As long as it entertains and is a good read, then it deserves the respect of literary critics, amirite?
What else did I want to say? Oh right, I was going to elaborate more on returning to 3u maths at school but to be honest, maths isn't really that interesting to talk about. I'm just going to say this. I fully understand why people keep asking me whether it was because I couldn't keep up. Hell, I would be asking the same thing if I was someone else 'cause that's usually why people drop subjects right? But no, it was because I realised that 1) I really really did not like 12 periods of maths a week - especially on Tuesdays when I got the 5 periods in a row with Mr M. With English and English extension, you get diversity. You'll always be learning new things and different subjects but for maths, it gets a little bit repetitive and eventually, it'll drive me insane (especially with all the homework). 2) I realised that I had enough units. 12 is sufficient I think and even if it turns out I did tragically in History Extension and Modern History, I could always retake them? I don't mind I guess. At least I would have had an advantage. 3) I don't have the drive for maths that everyone else in that class seems to have. It makes me feel bad. Especially when I see everyone else so dedicated.
So basically what I'm saying is, those are my reasons up there, as to why I dropped 4u. Some people may still ask questions and I understand but well, like my whole existence, most will probably have not even noticed. Haha. *hypothetical high-5 with Tian*
Anyway, I shall end off here and guess what? I didn't use a single "lol"!
That's what I heard but idk if it's true o____o Donovan said that Sameuls told your class oO but then you probably weren't there but yeah. If it is true.. why has he not told us?! :(
Oh and when I say leave, I mean for holiday HAHAHA I think.. <>
No freaking way!! Far out D:
@Cynthia, also, HUZZAH for trashy romance novels!!! XD And I too question the reason why essay writing seems to be such a bitch these days.