I Love Ginger Beeeeeer!

Cause like, alcohol is soooo mainstream. All the cool kids drink ginger beer :)

I just realised that I forgot to test for 180 degrees today, whilst doing the maths extension test. How many times have I reminded myself, "When using the t-formula, TEST FOR 180 DEGREES!!" Well there goes another mark...

Does anyone ever feel antsy when they have too much free time? This is how I've been feeling lately. I'm so used to getting bombarded with work and assignments that this week, having a few days off has left me feeling... stranded? I swear, THERE'S NOTHING TO DO. I think it might be because I don't do any of the heavy subjects like science, business studies or eco. Sure, I have my challenging subjects but they're the year 12 ones. *grumblehistoryextensiongrumble* So I find that I have way too much free time on my hands. Okay, I shall attempt to explain my thoughts via the use of dot points:

  • "YAY! I have a day off today. What shall I do? I should probably study for legal."

  • "Okay, I've finished legal, let's have some fun now!"

  • "Oh... but on facebook, everyone says they're studying."

  • "It doesn't matter! I've got FOUR more days to study for legal!"

  • ".....uh oh. Am I getting overconfident?"

  • "I should probably use my free time to my advantage and cram like a crazy person."

  • "That's right, my free time never lasts long anyway. This is like the calm before the storm. Sooner or later, I'm going to be swamped by tests and HSC practice papers."

  • "GAAAAH, what to do?!"

  • "STUDY!!!!!!"

I feel like I'm turning into one of those crazy people who study for the sake of studying. Kind of like how Jimmy doesn't feel normal when he doesn't have tutor classes. But the truth is, I don't even do that much studying. The thing I am most afraid of in the world is thinking that I'm studying a lot when in fact, I'm just making excuses for myself and going, "Uggh, that should be enough studying for today."

How much studying is enough? Is there a way to measure the exact amount of hours I am supposed to be putting in? What if I think I'm studying a lot when in actual fact, it's not a lot and inside, I'm just being a lazy person. Cause it seems strange how I'm always telling myself that I do too much work when I actually have time to drama, lol. That seems really self-defeating to me.

Sorry for talking about studying, guys. I don't mean to stress you out but I can't help it :(

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