A post that may or may not turn into a gush-fest on Lee Min Ho's hotness. You have been warned.

After watching City Hunter episode 17, my mind is full of many unfulfilled questions which I will outline in this post. Don't worry none of these are spoilerific.

  • Why was Mr Prosecutor guy playing Jenga in a coffee shop? More importantly, where did he get this Jenga set? Is it a portable one which he manages to magically shrink and bring along with him to all his cases?

  • Why was the President of Korea watching an American chick flick?

  • How many cars does Lee Min Ho have? I must have counted at least 4 different ones by now.

  • How can the music director for City Hunter be the same music director who gave us the "ALMOST PAAAAARADISE!!" from Boys Over Flowers?

  • Is it really that difficult finding pants to fit Lee Min Ho? Why do none of them ever go past his ankles? The stylists must love Tian-pants fashion.

  • On the subject of LMH's wardrobe, why do his stylists dress him up in the most flamboyant clothes ever? Pink pants? Low cut T-shirts? Jackets with freakin' TASSLES? Oh well, I guess it's a good thing he can pull off everything. He's probably the only guy in the world who can make leopard print pants look good.

  • HOW does Lee Min Ho manage to look good in EVERY SINGLE SCREENSHOT? This shouldn't be physically possible. It defies the laws of man. Whether its low angle or high angle, he makes it look good. I betcha if you took a picture of him yawning or sneezing it would still be magazine-cover worthy.

  • & last but definitely not least, WHY CAN'T I STOP LOOKING AT LEE MIN HO'S LIPS. Or his cheekbones. Or his nose. Or his eyes... and oh god, those eyes are so beautiful.

2 Responses to “A post that may or may not turn into a gush-fest on Lee Min Ho's hotness. You have been warned.”
  1. Nancy Luu says:


  2. Cynthia says:

    It was so weird. Who brings Jenga with them to a coffee shop? Or maybe coffee shops in Korea supply Jenga. Hmmmm... I shall need to go to Korea to figure this out.

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