Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2011 · 1 Comment
I don't know why but these holidays have felt like being in a waiting room. What I've been waiting for, I'm not exactly sure but there has definitely been a sense of ....non-accomplishment? I don't know the exact word for it but I just haven't felt fulfilled. Maybe it's because during the whole holidays, I've felt a sense of dread about the HSC trials. I feel like, once I've done that, and then the actual HSC, then I can enjoy myself. Only when I watch Shitty Hunter do I feel like I can escape from all that. ITS SO GAY. If I feel like this now, how will I feel next year?
I was talking to Leanne yesterday and we were talking about how much studying we did in the holidays. She's does, freaking FIVE HOURS every day in te holidays. I only fit in about 3 hours per day (and only if it's a good day). But then again, I only have 2 subjects lol. Ah well... And then we started discussing Harry Potter and how our lives are so purposeless right now. But Snez pointed out that we still have The Hunger Games to look forward to... ~OMG REVELATION~. So it's all good. But to be honest, I don't think anything could ever fill the void of Harry Potter - not even my precious Peeta or, though I hate to admit it, Lee Min Ho.
Okay, back to studying The Fundamental Causes of World War I and The Importance of Ludendorff's Spring Offensive and the Allied Response. CYNTHIA, FIGHTING!!! *fist pump*
Hwaiting! LOL.