Posted on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 · Leave a Comment
I was debating whether to watch City Hunter or blog about City Hunter. Since I have been marathoning City Hunter for the past few days, I shall take a break... and blog about it :D
I had to get that out of my system. But seriously, it's a pretty awesome drama. It's got story, comedy and action but it's not cheesy, like a lot of other korean dramas. I know a lot of people tend to dismiss korean dramas as stupid and lacking depth and I can see where they're coming from. HAHA, I used to do that too. I think part of it comes from a superiority complex that people exposed to Western tv shows often adopt. But honestly, just cause kdramas don't have as much sex and drugs doesn't necessarily mean that they're boring. They're just different. It's like comparing apples and oranges. Or like comparing Bollywood movies to Hollywood movies.
Oh and I never thought I'd say this but Revenge Dramas are boss yo. I thought I was a RomCom type of girl but apparently not. It's not that City Hunter doesn't have romance, it's got plenty of that but the romance kind of takes a back seat to all the epic action. Well so far it does, but that will probably change.
For those who are confused, I will give a very very basic outline/summary that will not do the show justice:
City Hunter revolves around a guy (Lee Min Ho) who is out for revenge for VERY COMPLICATED REASONS which I will not go into. Something like, you killed my dad so now I will hunt you down and make you suffer (but way more complicated than that). But he works behind the scenes. Like Batman, y'know? He catches the baddies at night but by day he acts like a spoilt playboy rich kid.
Then there's the girl (Park Min Young) who works as a bodyguard guarding various people, like the President's daughter. She is awesome and kickass-y. Not like those stupid cutesy cutesy stereotypical korean drama girls who go around squealing "oppa!!". Hooray for female empowerment!! HUZZAH.
Then there's the hot prosecutor guy lol. He's like that cop guy in Batman, the one who abides strictly by the law but will probably end up working with Batman.
All these characters somehow get involved with each other and it becomes a hotpot of awesomeness. Okay, I told you this summary sucked. Give me a break.
P.S. Did I mention Lee Min Ho was hot? He is so kickass lol. But there was one scene where he beat a guy up with a spoon and I was just like... wtf?
P.P.S. Someone please tell the koreans that City Hunter is pronouned Ci-ty Hun-ter. Not Shit-ty Hun-ter.
city hunter,