Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 · Leave a Comment
I HAD A LOT OF THINGS TO SAY but I seem to have forgotten all of it. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Oh well, I guess I'll just start off by talking about my long weekend.
I woke up at bloody 6am on Saturday to go to bloody Sydney University for the history workshop day thing. I met up with everyone at Canley station and then took the train to Redfern. It was so cold. Snez said I looked like a druggie on the side of the street with my hair whipping all around my face. Huh, haven't heard that one before. Anyways, we walked to the university and I went to a total of 4 lectures - 3 of which I fell asleep in. The one which I didn't zone out of was spent looking at all the graffiti on the lecture tables. I thought that once you got to uni, people stopped writing and drawing all over the tables. Apparently not. In fact, they're graffiti was of a "higher-class" quality, there were rhymes, epic drawings and even chinese writing, LOL.
I'm just gonna dot point the 4 lectures I went to:
- HSC Core exam - aka World War I. Evaluation: Looked at doodlings on table and watched the rich kids from the more prestigious schools type notes on their iPads. Guy who was lecturing was apparently some senior, senior HSC marker who's had 20 years experience of something like that. Whatever. Just cause you know how to mark the test doesn't mean I'll know how to do it.
- Elizabeth. Evaluation: I had to go to this one by myself cause I'm the only person studying her for the project-that-shall-not-be-named. I was so proud of myself when I found the lecture room LOL. I walked in, sat down, payed attention for 10 minutes and then gave up. All I heard was "....revisionist perspective.....Elton....feminist Bassnett.....traditionalist......Cate Blanchett". This was when I decided that I totally should've brought my sister's iPod touch to play Sushi-go-round.
- Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution. Evaluation: Most boring one of the four. Mr G was sitting behind me so even if I had brought the iPod, I wouldn't have been able to play with it. Although to be fair, he was probably falling asleep himself. Imagine Mr Banner talking. Now times it by a trillion. That's how tedious the lecture was.
- History Extension Question 2. Evaluation: Started off boring but then got interesting when the lecturer started showing us clips from the Matrix. How did it relate? No idea. I ended up half listening and half dreaming of Subway cookies. Yum.
HSC trials are coming up in August. I feel a bit unprepared and I've only got two subjects to prepare for. The year 12s have like, 6 subjects or something - I don't know how they cope.
Worked on the project-that-shall-not-be-named. I think I've made good progress. HOORAY :D. Then I had to go tutoring. Which reminds me btw, my parents don't want to pay for the 4u maths classes so err, that kinda leaves me with a dilemna. What happens if I beg them to pay but then later on, decide to drop it? That would be such a waste of money.
I pokemon'd the whole day. Haha no kidding. I woke up, played pokemon, ate breakfast, played pokemon, did maths homework, ate lunch, folded clothes, played pokemon, ate dinner and then played pokemon.
I think if I didn't do something totally geeky/fun I would have spontaneously combusted from all the stress. Come on, it is the long weekend after all. And pokemon makes everything alright :) `Gotta catch 'em all! Pokemon! Yeh XD
And now its Tuesday. School was boring as usual. Except, during History Extension, when the year 12s wanted to look at the violin. They played with a bit and then asked me to play something. HA, I warned them. Told them they really DID NOT want to hear me play and that they would regret asking me. They still wanted to hear so I ended up blasting their ear drums and making noises that were equivalent to nails scratching down a black board.
Whatever - I did warn them.