Posted on Thursday, June 2, 2011 · Leave a Comment
I have just written a further 700 words for the project-that-shall-not-be-named. I cannot explain to you how fulfilled I feel right now. If Taemin suddenly dropped out of the sky and proclaimed his love for me, I would not feel any happier than I do right now. Progress is good :)
It doesn't matter if most of what I wrote will probably sound illegible tomorrow but hey, it doesn't matter. Quantity not quality, is what I always say.
I found out today that it is compulsory for the whole English ext class to enter the Sydney Morning Herald Competition >_> I know a lot of people are actually excited about entering it and can't wait to write their 1000 words stories but I personally, am not that excited. It's just this weird thing that I have. When teachers TELL me to enter a competition, my initial reaction is always "No, I don't want to do it." It's not that I don't like writing, it's not that I don't like the teacher it's just that I don't like being TOLD to do it. Does anyone else get that reaction? I'm sure it's not only me. It's like when we have to do a composition for music. I wouldn't mind trying to compose a song but being TOLD to compose a song for class is different.
I've been watching Downton Abbey. I've finished the first season and basically that's it.... cause there is only one season so far. I quite like it. I know Channel 7 has been marketing it as this kind of scandalous, lusty, costume drama type thing but that's not really accurate. It's got a much slower pace and I guess that lets the plot breathe a little - not like Gossip Girl or Vampire Diaries where everyone is hooking up with randoms every 5 minutes (ahem, CHUCK BASS).
Basically, it's about the lives of a big family and their servants in Britain in 1914 (?). You've got the Lord and the Lady, their three daughters and the grand-duchess as the family. And the butler, head housemaid, lady's maids, cooks, footmen, etc as the staff. It would take too much effort to summarize the plot so I'm not gonna bother
-shallow moment-
Can I just say that the footmen are HOT? I don't care if Thomas is kind of a douchebag but seriously, he is like the sexiest gay footman I've ever seen. And William is so sweet. But Nigahiga, Chestersee and Kevjumba have taught me that ~nice guys finish last~.... which is why William will never get the girl.
downton abbey,
tv shows