Posted on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Funny how the view count on this page still goes up, even if there aren't any new posts. Thanks guys. Being stalked makes me feel so awesome :)
Anyways school started a few days ago. Personally I find Year 11 quite fun LOL. I know others aren't having such a great time though (cheer up ppl! It'll get better). I guess the free periods help. I had such a good time discovering things in the holidays. I wish I could talk about everything but honestly, I cbb right now so I'll just make a list.
Anyways school started a few days ago. Personally I find Year 11 quite fun LOL. I know others aren't having such a great time though (cheer up ppl! It'll get better). I guess the free periods help. I had such a good time discovering things in the holidays. I wish I could talk about everything but honestly, I cbb right now so I'll just make a list.
- The Harry Potter Series (rediscovered): I actually spent the whole holidays rereading the series - in the right order this time. It's funny the things you notice after a reread. For example, the vanishing cabinet that Malfoy uses in BOOK SIX to help death eaters into Hogwarts actually appears briefly in BOOK TWO when Harry floo powders himself to Borgin and Burkes by accident. HOW DOES JK ROWLING DO IT? I know she planned the WHOLE series before writing it but honestly, how do you even fit those little details in and then go back to them 4 books later?
- : He is too awesome for words. Part of why I enjoyed Harry Potter so much was because I read his chapter-by-chapter synopsis'.
- A VERY POTTER MUSICAL: WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE THIS. YOU HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELEIVE IT. Go youtube "A Very Potter Musical" - it shall blow your mind.... or not. Depends on the person, you see. You don't have to be a HP fan but it helps. Basically it's a musical made by some college kids that's kind of a parody of Harry Potter. But it's so well done. Most of the songs were written by Darren Criss (who plays Harry Potter). If he sounds familiar it's because he plays Blaine in Glee. AVPM was made before he actually became famous though.
- Gifs: Enough said.
- The Australian Open: Despite everyone I rooted for getting eliminated, I actually spent a large portion of my time in the last two weeks watching tennis. I laughed every time Nadal took off his shirt and middle aged women wolf-whistled or took photos on their phone..... good times.
- Movieworld in Queensland: This would've been my third time at Movieworld but for some reason it was better than the other times. Maybe because my sis and I went on Superman Escape five times. No kidding. The line wasn't too bad either so that helped.
- Maplestory (rediscovered): Maybe I liked it because the Big Bang took place and finally I could travel everywhere easily. I dunno. Whatever, Maplestory did keep me occupied.
- Sims 3 Late Night: I dunno what it is about creating Sims and then controlling everything they do (including going to the toilet ) that makes it so addictive. I've always been a Sims fan but the new expansion pack made it so much more awesome. I COULD TURN MY SIMS INTO VAMPIRES. Like who doesn't want to do that? Siriusly. I was also bored enough to create a Harry Potter band in Sims 3 (click to enlarge). Luna's on bass, Harry's on drums, Ron's on guitar and Hermione's on piano. I know what you're all thinking and no I'm not mad. I was just really bored in the holidays :(
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: pretty awesome book but is it really worth all the hype?
- Eliza Doolittle.
And yeh, that pretty much sums up my holiday.
Now onto something else:
Why don't people ever blog anymore? :( I know you guys still read blogs but why don't you write anything??? Is it cuz you've all got facebook and twitter? Blogspot not good enough for you now huh? LOL. I wouldn't be able to write any of this stuff on facebook. There's just something about the sheer number of people on facebook that turns me off from writing anything that I want on there. DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY? On blogspot I can ramble all I want and nobody cares.
P.S. I wonder if Jessica's having fun over there in Vietnam...
harry potter,