
I made a facebook the other day. Don't worry blog, I'll still keep blogging. You're like my safety net y'know. If facebook was the big, scary world, you'd be my little sanctuary tucked away in the furthest corners of the globe. Plus I think blogging's more for me. I have so much to say and none of it is about my current status. LOL.

Last night I finished reading "Last Sacrifice" - by Richelle Mead. It was pretty good I guess. Better than the one before it. Ok I have to admit. I'm biased. Part of the reason why I liked it was because there was a lot of Dimitri whereas the book before it was lacking in that area. I won't spoil it for the people who haven't read it yet so all I'll say is that it was good. And everything ended the way I wanted it to end.

Oh, normally I would post the cover of the book BUT this book's cover is UGLY. Seriously, it ruined my image of Rose. Instead, I will post a Hunger Games related picture. I know you're sick of them but too bad >:(

BTW, I realised this a few days ago. You know how couples usually have combined nicknames? For example Brad + Angelina = Brangelina. Well I just realised that,

Peeta + Katniss = Peeniss


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