Posted on Sunday, October 10, 2010 · Leave a Comment
"We can do no great things - only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa
I feel like I just woke up from a long, long dream. The whole holidays were spent just... drifting through day by day. I feel like I've been living in a story. Or stories, I should say. Dramas, books, movies, manga, TV shows - all these things made up the bubble that I've been trapped in for the past two weeks. Now the bubble's been popped and I have to go back to school. What I would give to be able to curl back up and rebuild the bubble...
But bubbles aside, first day back was alright. I came early to school and went to the MH room where Ms N was giving out keyrings that she got from LA. It was a bit nostalgic... She'd gone to places like Hearst Castle, Las Vegas and Disneyland. Do you guys remember Hearst Castle? Probably not, I picture blogged about it last July when I was in the US...
Remember? It was probably the only castle I would ever get to go to in my whole entire life. *sigh* And Disneyland too... I would give up EVERYTHING to be able to go there again. I would give up a my iPod, the Hunger Games and every single drama there is out there, HELL I would even give up Taemin!!! *tiny voice* not that he's mine to give up per se...
But anyway, looking through these old posts are like looking through the diary of a little kid, even though most of them were written 'bout a year ago. Sometimes I sounded so lame, sometimes just plain stupid. Wait, what am I talking about? I still sound ridiculous right now. But I guess I've never deleted a post, and I never will. After all, if I was to delete every lame thing that I've typed, this blog would be a big fat collection of NOTHINGNESS.
In some ways this blog is like a diary. Except for the fact that I don't exactly poor out my feelings to it. How creepy would that be? Every post would be something like:
Dear Blog,
Today I went to school. I also breathed, talked, ate and shitted.
Sincerely, Cynthia.
Would you want to read that? No, actually, would I want to write that? How am I to know that what I write stays within these 4 borders. This is why this blog is mostly (not always) only about my interests and random tidbits of my everyday life that manage to stick in my head throughout the day. Or maybe I'm just telling myself that. Maybe, without realising it, what I'm writing it influenced by who I think is reading this blog. Hmm...
Urgh, rhetorical questions give me a headache.
I don't have a thing against diaries though. In year 6, I actually kept a diary and believe it or not, I wrote in it EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN' DAY for a whole year. No shit, I didn't miss a day. To be fair though, each entry was about 4 sentences long. But still, it was a huge commitment on my part. I'm looking at it right now actually and it makes me laugh, how retarded I sounded. The entries go something like:
Monday 3rd July 2006
"I love the holidays. Tian's mum made potato mash for breakfast and we
watched Spirited Away while we ate. Cathy and I got stuck in the manor while
playing Runescape. I doubt we'll ever be able to come out. I'm sleeping at
Tian's house again."
Ah yes... Runescape. Killing giant rats with our ugly, pixelated characters while the weird yet strangely-catchy music played in the background. Good times... good times.
But then some entries make me feel a bit sad as well. Like the one where I'm all happy that I got into Sydney Girls and the whole entry was written LIKE THIS!!! I also wrote about Tian losing her rabbit. That was sad too.
But anyway why am I blogging about this stuff? Screw the holidays being over, I'm still gonna drama like a crazy person.
P.S. This game is like crack:
Once you start, you can't stop. It drove me crazy in the holidays and I ended up being frustrated at myself for wasting time playing it. LOL.