Posted on Sunday, March 28, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Hello Blogspot :) Haven't seen you in a while... Term 1 was just too hectic to make time to blog anymore. But don't worry, I'm going to revive you now.
Daily Desktop Calender Quote (DDCQ)
"What I do with today is very important because i will
be exchanging a day of my life for it" - Anonymous
Okay, let's get right into it. Today I will be talking about everyone's favourite topic: Twilight. Nononono, don't close the page yet. Let me explain, I'm going to be talking about:
Hehehe, I've ALWAYS wanted to do this; blog about the massively controversial issue that swept the world during the years 2006 to 2010 and still continues, even to this day. Why was it so popular? That's a question that I keep asking myself.
Everyone knows I went through a twilight phase... I had cynthia[cullen] as my msn nick for like, 2 years. LOL. I have 2 copies of twilight, one of New Moon, one of Eclipse and 2 of Breaking Dawn. The first copy I had, had the UK cover and for some reason I can't seem to find it anymore.
Shame... I could probably sell it for a lot of money since they don't print the UK copies anymore. Anyways, I was really obsessed, like really really obsessed. I lived, breathed and dreamed Twilight. But my obsession has run its course. I still have a soft spot for the Twilight series but no longer do I spend 5 hours designing twilight themed layouts on photoshop.
Whoops, I'm rambling. The point I'm trying to make is: Twilight is addictive. It's like crack for your brain. I don't know what it is but (most) people who read it get caught up in it. Is it Edward Cullen? Is it the vampire/human love story? When you think about it, there's nothing in it that other books can't have but still, it managed to surpass everything else become like, one of the most famous books in the world. Maybe Stephenie Meyer just writes really good. I don't know, and honestly, I don't really care. As long as it keeps entertaining people, then I have no complaint.
Okay, so now that I've established that Twilight is an entertaining book (in my opinion), I want to find out why people hate it. Why do people roll their eyes when they hear others say, "OMG I LOOOVE TWILIGHT!" ( I know you do it cuz I do it too. Don't deny it.) Why do some people just hate it so much? After giving it some thought and trying not to be biased (although I might not have succeeded here), I've come to a few conclusions. Here are my theories:
1. It's just not a good book. Simple as that. Maybe the plot doesn't appeal to some people, and the writing's crap. If that's the case, then ok, I rest my case.
2. If a lot of people like something, then by the laws of human nature, there will be others who hate it. This is true right? Take Harry Potter for example, I THINK there are people out there who are calling it overrated and stuff. This point might need a bit more research though.
3. I like this point: People are reading too much into it. They call it "shallow" and "unoriginal" but honestly, what are they expecting? How to Kill a Mockingbird? Twilight is a book for entertainment. Period. It is not a deep, philosophical book filled with important life lessons and maybe that's why some people call it overrated. Take my primary school teacher for example. When I was in my "phase", I convinced her to read it. She read it, returned it to me and then said, "Oh, so you like THESE types of books." I don't think she liked it. She probably thought it was gonna be a deep, multilayered, profound kind of book.
Some people just expect too much from it. They think because so many people have read it and liked it, that it must contain some kind of meaningful life lesson. Wrong. We like it because its a great, riveting read. If you want something meaningful, go read something by Jane Austen, no?
4. I don't really think this point is true but I have heard it being discussed so I'll just chuck it in here. Guys don't like twilight because of Edward Cullen. He took "the perfect man" to the next level and guys just can't compete. I'll admit, it does make sense but honestly, what kind of guy gets jealous of a fiction character? O_O Plus, I know some guys who have read twilight and they liked it.
5. THE MOVIES WERE SHIT. Kind of... compared to the books, I mean. Bad movie = bad impression of Twilight. Plus, Robert Pattinson's waxy, pale skin and eerily long eyelashes sometimes contributes to the "fag" factor. No offense to Robert Pattinson though - he seems like a nice guy/great actor, even though he totally ruined the image of Edward I'd had beforehand. (Thanks to Nancy for this point.)
So these are my theories of why people hate/love it. Sorry if I offended anyone, I just wanted to analyze people's motives/reasons. If you think something here was wrong or if you just want to add your own points, then comment and I'll put it in my next post. Or if you just want to argue for the sake of arguing then by all means - I'll try to argue back :D
Wow, this was a REALLY REALLY LONG POST. I think i'm gonna end it off here with one more thing.
Apparently, my little sister's received a marriage proposal even before I've gone on my first official date. Isn't that just sad? She told me that in year 2, one of her friends named Jayden asked her to marry him :L He said, "Serena, I like you. Will you marry me?" LOL. Isn't that so cute? Too bad she only told him "maybe".