Posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Today I went to watch:
with Tian and my sister because my mum had free children tickets. Tian and I really wanted to watch it and my sister was only there so it would look like we were babysitting when in fact we weren't :) It was a really cute/awesome movie, not like those recent crap Disney ones I've seen. It was more like "Old school Disney" as Othilia put it.
(BTW: O my golly gosh, that Prince Naveen is HAWWWWWWWWWT)
Why do the holidays go so fast near the end? There's only two more weeks left... Speaking of which I really really really need to get a school bag.
My parents and I got into an argument recently about speaking chinese at home. They think I don't speak enough of it at home and that from now on, they're only going to reply if I ask them something in Chinese. And that is so unfair cuz my canto sucks shit. My dad was like, "You're never gonna get employed if you can't speak chinese."
That got me thinking though. Is that true? Like do people only employ asians if they can speak chinese? I know today's world doesn't discriminate as much but still... What if I wanted to work in like the newspaper industry? Or in publishing? Would they discriminate as well because of the stereotype that "asians are only good at medicine and maths"? Hehe, this is a very interesting subject. LOL.
I remember hearing on the news a long time ago, that there was a really successful Australian/Asian writer who'd won a prestigious book prize. I thought, "That's pretty cool" and turned up the volume on the TV. Well he won a prestigious book prize all right. And you know what the subject for his award-winning story was? It was "The Boat People" (aka refugees from Vietnam). Great topic - but not exactly what I was looking for.
Moving on... I went out to dinner with my relatives yesterday at the Cabravale Diggers Club. We ordered pizza and then later I full cracked up with my sister as we watched my grandma and aunt eat pizza with chopsticks. Totally should've taken a picture.