Posted on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 · Leave a Comment
I haven't blogged properly in a while. Nowadays, most of my blogs are about movies, books and my story. I think I'll just spend a few minutes blogging about something else for a change :)
High achievers was fun today. Ms N showed us the study wiz site and our whole class went into the chatroom and just chatted. Actually, I don't think it was our WHOLE class but yeh, it was still funny how everyone was talking our each other and and Ms was like, so noob at using the chatroom :L I also showed everyone my awesome wallpaper (inspired by Nancy) and they liked it so much, they told me to make it my permanent wallpaper :D
Geo test was gay. But hey whaddya expect? Its GEO, man. Enough said. Btw, did anyone else wonder why the passage on social networking was in that test? Like I know it kinda relates to community but seriously - was that the only comprehension passage they had that related to community?
In music, me, Booonie and Ifeelya were trying to use bluetooth to send files but everytime we searched for devices, a whole list of laptops and people's phones would come up. We spent like, 15 minutes trying to figure out which laptop was which and it didn't help that most of them were called: SA3133579302. I then realized that you could just click on My Computer and then it would show you your computer number :L What a waste of 15 minutes of my life T_T
& yes, I am supposed to be studying for maths but seriously, I cbb. It's not like I can go through the whole textbook and do all the questions right? Cuz that is the only way to totally prepare for the maths yearly. Well, you could always just read through the chapters briefly but that ain't gonna prepare you for the questions that'll be in the test. So stuff that.
I also finished watching 90210, now i'll just have to wait like everyone else for the new eps. Liam is SOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOT (L) I hate that new Ivy girl >:(
And now for some honesty. I feel different this year - whether its a good or bad thing I don't know but I've realized that I just don't care as much anymore. Whether its about school work or life or people, I feel very non-stressed. Like before in years 7 and 8, I used to stress a lot but this years different. I've realised that that some stuff that's been bugging me isn't important anymore. All I want to do is enjoy life and stuff what other people think. Lols look at me, I sound like a hippy :D