Posted on Sunday, October 11, 2009 · Leave a Comment
I went dress hunting today. My uncle's gonna be married in November and I needed a dress for the wedding. I spent 3 bloody hours searching for one at Macarthur (?) and guess what? I didn't find one. What a way to waste my life.
Actually I did find one that I liked but I didn't buy it. My mum goes, "Wow that looks pretty on you." and I'm like, "Have you looked at the price?" She goes, "Yeh, it's not that expensive...."
Well guess how much it cost? $52.
Not that expensive, my ass. You could feed a whole family from Zimbabwe for a year with that money.
At tutoring, I found out that I'm gonna be gonna moving down a class :D Most people would treat this as bad news but not me. I'm glad that I'm gonna be going to a slower class cuz this current class is driving me crazy. I sit there for two hours every week, not understanding anything.
But there's also a bad part to moving classes. Some of you know what that is, others won't.
P.S I don't know why but everyone seems to be feeling sad and stuff these days. Actually I do know a bit but not that much. Still, I think I'm the only one who's feeling lost. It's like I'm in this little bubble, separated from the whole world. Seriously, I'm so out of it, it's like I'm on Pluto and everyone else is on Earth.