Passed with Honours

Yeh baby, now THAT'S what I'm talking 'bout XD.
Passed with honours - 97/100.
WHOO! I even got an extra certificate:

I"m so relieved right now... This totally makes up for that crappy practical exam. My teacher was like, "You can tell your parents that I'm as pleased as punch!" (if I told my parents that, they'll probably think she wants to punch someone). She was happy for around 5 minutes - and then she went back to screaming at me.

It's all good - it's all good.

Today, Othilia asked me if I would rather looks or personality in the person I like. Well, I have an answer now. I would say personality because if he was stupid and horrible, I wouldn't be able to stand it. If he was ugly, I would just ask him to wear a permanent mask like The Phantom. See? Problem solved.

Btw, my goal is to brainwash as many people as possible b4 I go... watch out man, you're next.

P.S. LOL, thanx booonie, I appreciate your efforts of quarantining yourself XD

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