Posted on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 · 1 Comment
Now that's weird. I feel like I have a fever but the thermometer has a reading of 35.7. Stupid digital thermometer from Tokyo, Japan. Your company is selling FAULTY MERCHANDISE. What are you gonna do when the whole world gets swine flu? HUH?! ANSWER ME!
... OH. I geddit. You're supposed to keep it there for 2 minutes, not 1. LOL
Well what can I say, today was such a bludge. My throat was full on stuffed up the whole day and I was addicted to drugs. I think I ate 4 strepsils at school even though you only take one every 2-3 hours.
I had vocals at 10:30 to 11. It was my last lesson with this teacher coz she's going to New York soon. -sigh- I forgot to warn her about the swine flu over there. During the whole lesson, another lady came in and watched. Apparently, she's going to take over from my current teacher. So there I was. Singing (quite badly) with a stuffed up throat in front of two experienced people. Not exactly my idea of a good time.
I finished reading Finnikin of the Rock yesterday. It was good but it would've been better if I actually understood what was going on. NTS: never space out while reading the first few chapters of a book. I feel like I've just wasted a good story :(
I also feel sad now. Coz I'm never gonna see someone at somewhere anymore. Stupid someone moved someone else down a something at somewhere. Damn you someone.
& I'm gonna end off here coz I got tutor hw. Btw, while I was writing this post, I tried to get another reading on the thermomer. Here it is: 34.7 degrees. See I knew I was using it right!
LOL. remember the whole packet of strepsils o_O. :L