Posted on Sunday, February 22, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Ok, so I was looking around at ppl's blogs and I realised: WHY DOES EVERYONE SEEM TO BE BLOGGING ABOUT THEIR CRUSHES/HEARTBREAK/BF/GF/EMOTIONAL CONFLICT?! Everyone is caught up in their life dramas. Except for me -.- Am I just emotionally incompetant? LOLs. Teenage angst is running rampant. hehe.
As you all know, today was photo day. I kept getting people come up to me and tell me I looked different... Then I would stare at them and try to figure out it they were being sarcastic or serious >< Hairdresser lady, I'm still mad at you! Oh and I just realised, your hair can't turn green and then fall off coz there would be no point in it turning green in the first place...
to lyanna: you're a genius because you taught me how to delete a post :)
I better finish up now coz I got tutoring after this. & also becoz nancy (that fei bart por) is telling me to hurry up.