Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 · 1 Comment
I feel dead.
My eyes are sore
My fingers are cramped
My brain has exploded from overexposure to the computer screen.
&it is all because of those stupid templates. I spent 2 hours yesterday and 3, I repeat 3 hours today trying to find a template or skin for this blog. And as you can see, I've ended up right where I started. Kill me now.
-sigh- I feel much better now. Thanks for listening :)
moving on to other news:
Today I did table tennis at another school. That school looked WAAAY better than our school. LOLS CVH is so azn XD Anita was hungry but she was afraid of eating her fried rice coz it would make her look even more azn HAHAHA. So she ate a muffin instead.
I was looking through some fan art from and I found this:
obviously, I didn't draw that. So don't sue me whoever did it. It looks really cool :) I also found one where a plant was growing out of edward's ears. LOL. Its so ..strange but I can't stop staring at it.
I still haven't taken a shower yet and its already 8:42. Heyys did anyone watch the Oscars? LOL. I feel like watching slumdog millionaire now. OMG I did so many silly mistakes on the maths test yesterday. How was I supposed to remember to put savings into the budget table??
Hmm.. not much to really write about.. except bonnie peeing herself in rollcall :P PSSHHHH. Ok I'm getting off now. I think I wanna watch BBF XD GOO JUN PYO lololol
excuseeee meeee pigeon lady ! :@ i did not pee myself! :L:L:L. pigeon stop shitting on the green table in e block XP i noe it was you.. =3.
ROFLMAO nice blog :D